Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have a big final project due in May.So wish me luck.In school in my English class we are now writing stories and are learning about how to be a writer and stuff. I'm reading a book called "The Diary of Anne Frank" its good but really weird plus I think Anne is really weird because of pg. 130.
If you have read this book or if you are reading it please comment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My second post of my first blog YEAH! Hope you guys like it!

Here is my second day of being a blogger not really second but this is my post.
So I went to the beach yesterday which was SO MUCH FUN!We berried one of my friends in the sand and molded the sand into a mermaid it was so much fun he looked so funny.We gave him a mermaid tale and everything and we all took pictures together.But sadly we couldn't go in the water well we could but only about 3ft. away from the sand because there were jelly fish in the water farther out.But oddly one of my friends still got stung.
My cousin came from college yesterday, Easter.I am so glad to have her home.
Well this is it until my next blog.

By the way my FAV color is PINK!
Please comment and when you do please say if you are a lover or hater of PINK and say why.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My first blog! I am so excited!

Today a great day for being my first day of being a blogger and this is first blog ever and what a great day being April fools day.I sadly haven't played any pranks on anyone today but I plan on it. So glad it is Spring Break and I plan on going to a beach party tomorrow : D
I look at everything in the world and think about it. I say to my self sometimes, right now there could be some animals out there that are losing there homes so I have also decided to GO GREEN and everyone who reads this should GO GREEN if they haven't already.
Well this is the end of my first blog please comment and tell me what you think and if you like it and if you have gone green already or if you want to : D
<---- Plus I LOVE this movie!
Please comment if you like this movie.